Rezultatele parțiale ale selecției vor fi afișate luni, 23 noiembrie 2015, ora 8:00, la Panoul Erasmus+.

Rezultatele finale vor fi afișate după rezolvarea contestațiilor, conform calendarului de selecție.

Descrierea proiectului

Prezentarea proiectului ”Start for change!”, Acțiunea Cheie 1 (AC1), Mobilităţi în domeniul educaţiei şcolare, Programul ERASMUS+

Număr de referință: 2015-1-RO01-KA101 – 014896


Titlul proiectului: Start for change!

Durata: 12 luni

Scopul proiectului este însuşirea unor metode interactive, inovatoare şi dezvoltarea competenţelor TIC a 10 profesori din şcoala noastră prin participarea la cursuri europene de formare, în perioada noiembrie 2015 – noiembrie 2016, în vederea creşterii motivaţiei pentru învăţare şi a calităţii educaţiei.

Obiectivele secundare urmărite sunt: îmbogăţirea cunoştinţelor privind metodele interactive de predare folosite în alte sisteme educaţionale europene, îmbunătăţirea competenţelor cheie europene(în special a competenţelor TIC şi a celor de comunicare într-o limbă străină), încurajarea inovaţiei în educaţie, promovarea învăţării pe tot parcursul vieţii.

Întrucât în planul de mobilitate şi cooperare al şcolii sunt prevăzute activităţi de formare profesională a profesorilor, acest proiect răspunde nevoilor de formare prin: actualitate şi noutate, negăsind cursuri asemănătoare în ţară; oferirea de soluţii pentru a îmbunătăţi calitatea actului didactic, creşterea motivaţiei învăţării şi a coeziunii colectivului de elevi; acumularea de noi metode active ca instrumente pentru învăţarea deprinderilor sociale, cu scopul creării unui climat favorabil în clasă şi şcoală; dobândirea unor cunoştinţe referitoare la organizarea şi coordonarea unui curs de formare de nivel european, utile în organizarea şi desfăşurarea viitoarelor cursuri de formare; crearea oportunităţii unui schimb intercultural.

Cursurile alese oferă  oportunitatea de  deschidere şi flexibilizare a învăţământului, prin utilizarea unor metode şi tehnici inovatoare de predare – învăţare care promovează creativitatea şi creşterea motivaţiei la elevi, utilizarea unor strategii de învăţare centrate pe elev, pe munca în echipă, pe utilizarea inteligenţelor emoţionale. De asemenea vor contribui la achiziţionarea competenţelor necesare pentru a organiza infrastructura unui server, pentru crearea de pagini web şi pentru a gestiona proiecte multimedia.

Participarea la aceste cursuri de formare va oferi cadrelor didactice posibilitatea să-şi dezvolte competenţele de lucru cu elevii, bazate pe utilizarea într-o măsură mai mare a  metodelor activ-participative, centrate pe elev,  metode mai motivante şi cu un nivel calitativ ridicat. Fiind cursuri interactive, se va lucra în echipă, se vor schimba idei şi, cu siguranţă, se vor pune bazele unor viitoare parteneriate la nivel european, dezvoltându-se identitatea europeană a  şcolii.

Rezultatele se vor concretiza în consolidarea valorilor europene comune, raportarea la standarde europene privind creşterea calităţii şi motivaţiei în mediul de învăţare. Pe durata proiectului profesorii vor acumula informaţii în vederea organizării unor ore mai  atractive şi interesante, în care conţinuturile predate să fie mai aproape de nevoile de învăţare ale elevilor, exemplele şi sarcinile de învăţare să fie mai relevante şi să implice mai mult munca în echipă.

Cadrele didactice îşi vor dezvolta competenţe personale şi sociale prin realizarea activităţilor şi predarea diferitelor materii în afara clasei, teoria fiind legată în permanenţă de practică, vor învăţa cum să planifice ore în care elevii să descopere conţinuturile de învăţat, crescând astfel motivaţia elevilor şi calitatea educaţiei oferite acestora.

Acest proiect îi va ajuta pe profesori să-şi îmbogăţească abilităţile TIC, pentru a putea ei înşişi să creeze cursuri e-learning,  folosind aplicaţiile oferite de furnizorii de formare. Totodată reprezintă o oportunitate de a folosi softuri educaţionale noi în activitatea de la catedră, ceea ce le va îmbunătăţi competenţele digitale, profesionale şi personale.

Referitor la competentele personale, acest curs îi va ajuta să înteleagă e-learning ca pe o modalitate eficientă de educaţie la standarde europene, în beneficiul elevilor şcolii, să cunoască şi alte sisteme educationale, să-şi  îmbogăţească şi să-şi perfecţioneze competenţele lingvistice de comunicare orală şi scrisă în limba engleză.

Profilul participantului urmăreşte: nevoia de formare, motivaţie crescută pentru inovaţie educaţională, competenţe de bază în domeniul TIC şi de comunicare într-o limbă străină, implicare şi dăruire în realizarea activităţilor şcolare, abilităţi pentru munca în echipă, disponibilitatea de a disemina informaţiile obţinute şi de a valoriza experienţele şi competenţele dobândite.


Mobilităţile la care vor participa cei 10 profesori din şcoala noastră sunt:

1.”Effective use of ICT in Education”(26.03-1.04.2016, Istanbul, Turcia, 2 profesori); tematici abordate: educaţia la distanţă, platforma de învăţare MOODLE.

2.”Innovative Skills in ICT through collaborative and project-based teaching and learning”(2-8.04.2016, Madrid, Spania, 2 profesori); tematici abordate: construirea unei echipe, activităţi nde colaborare şi cooperare, ICT în clasă(webquest, web2.0, twitter, blogs, weebly, eTwinning).

3.”Stimulating Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom”(29.02-5.03.2016 Portugalia, 2 profesori); tematici abordate:învăţare prin cooperare, introducere în video-conferinţe ISL online, tehnici de învăţare prin cooperare, cum să lucrăm cu tablele interactive în clasă, The Cloud computing.

  1. “Creativity in teaching and learning using ICT”(23-29.04.2016, Assen, Olanda, 2 profesori); tematici abordate: strategii şi tehnici de comunicare în grup, platforme de comunicare, cum să faci preyentări utiliyând software noi, crearea activităţilor interactive prin folosirea instrumentelor TIC, interdisciplinaritate în predare, movie maker în educaţie;
  2. “Action Methods Improving Motivation and Quality in the Learning Environments”(10-16.07.2016, Lisabona, Portugalia, 2 profesori); tematici abordate: metode şi exerciţii de formare a grupului, constuirea spiritului de echipă şi eliberarea tensiunilor în grup, siguranţa în grup, educaţie pentru sănătate, medii de învăţare activă, motivaţie, emoţie, cogniţie. , metode şi exerciţii pentru educaţie în afara clasei, artele şi teatrul în sala de clasă.

La întoarcerea în ţară participanţii vor disemina informaţiile în primul rând cadrelor didactice din şcoală şi din afara ei, apoi elevilor şi părinţilor acestora. De asemenea, considerăm că şi împărtăşirea cu cei din jur a experienţelor trăite, a cunoştintelor/abilităţilor dobândite, a informaţiilor despre cultura ţărilor participante, istoria, geografia, civilizaţia lor constituie tot diseminare, chiar dacă este făcută în cadru informal, non-formal. Ne propunem să realizăm şi alte activităţi atunci când se vor ivi diferite oportunităţi.

Diseminarea activităţilor şi a rezultatelor se va realiza pe mai multe planuri:

  1. a) la nivelul şcolii;
  2. b) la nivel judetean;
  3. c) naţional;
  4. d) internaţional.

Criterii de selecție


în cadrul proiectului cu titlul ”Start for change!”, Acțiunea Cheie 1 (KA 1), mobilităţi în domeniul educaţiei şcolare, Programul ERASMUS+,

Număr de referință: 2015-1-RO01-KA101 – 014896


Metode şi instrumente folosite pentru selecție:

  1. Chestionar, ce vizează cunoașterea Ghidului programului Erasmus+ şi a conţinutului proiectului „Start for change!”;
  2. Interviul, care urmărește;

– motivarea nevoilor de formare;

– propunerea unor modalităţi de a disemina informaţiile obţinute şi de a valoriza experienţele şi competenţele dobândite;

– capacitatea de comunicare în limba engleză, competenţe lingvistice minim B1;

– argumentarea/justificarea unor aspecte precizate în chestionarul completat de către candidat.

Candidaţii sunt rugaţi să se prezinte la timp pentru a susţine testul de limba engleză online, pentru ca apoi să înceapă sesiunea de interviuri la ora stabilită.

  1. Dosar de candidatură. Cadrele didactice interesate înregistrează dosarul la secretariatul școlii cu următoarele documente:
  2. Cerere de înscriere tip
  3. Copie după Cartea de identitate
  4. CV-ul şi Paşaportul lingvistic în format EUROPASS
  5. Adeverinţă care atestă:
  6. statutul de cadru didactic în şcoală;
  7. calificativul anual obţinut în anul şcolar precedent şi punctajul aferent;
  8. clasa la care este diriginte în anul şcolar în curs;
  9. număr de comisii de lucru din care face parte cadrul didactic în anul şcolar curent;
  10. Scrisoare de intenţie, în limba română şi în limba engleză;
  11. Documente care atestă competenţe de bază TIC
  12.       Recomandarea din partea CA al şcolii privind participarea la acest program de formare.

Selecţia persoanelor se va face în ordinea descrescătoare a punctajului obţinut, care se va calcula astfel: chestionar 30p, interviu 30p, dosar 40p (CV 10p, Paşaport lingvistic 10p, scrisoarea de intenţie în limba română 10p, în limba engleză 10p). Sunt eligibile dosarele care obţin un punctaj mai mare sau egal cu 60p.

Dacă nu se vor ocupa toate locurile, se va organiza o a doua selecție.

După publicarea rezultatelor finale ale selecţiei, participanţii selectați vor semna următoarele documente: acord de mobilitate, angajament al calităţii şi contract financiar. Persoanele neselectate, dar care îndeplinesc criteriile de selecţie vor fi trecute pe lista de rezerve. În cazul în care apare o situaţie de forţă majoră, iar unul dintre participanții selectați nu mai poate participa, locul rămas liber va fi ocupat de o persoană de pe lista de rezerve, dacă s-a optat pentru acelaşi curs. Dacă persoana nu poate fi înlocuită cu o alta de pe lista de rezerve, se va organiza o nouă selecţie pentru locul rămas vacant.

Anunț de selecție


în cadrul proiectului cu titlul ”Start for change!”, Acțiunea Cheie 1 (KA 1), mobilităţi în domeniul educaţiei şcolare, Programul ERASMUS+,

Număr de referință: 2015-1-RO01-KA101 – 014896


Fluxul 1: 29.02-5.03.2016 (Portugalia), “Stimulating Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom”

Fluxul 2: 26.03-1.04.2016 (Turcia), “Effective use of ICT in Education”

Fluxul 3: 9-15.04.2016 (Spania), “Innovative Skills in ICT through collaborative and project-based teaching and learning”

Fluxul 4: 23-29.04.2016 (Olanda), “Creativity in teaching and learning using ICT”

Fluxul 5: 10-16.07.2016 (Portugalia), “Action Methods Improving Motivation and Quality in the Learning Environments”


Selecţia participanţilor se va realiza  de către comisia de selecţie în următoarele etape şi condiţii:

Calendarul de selecție:

9 – 12 noiembrie, depunerea candidaturii, 800 – 1400

13-15  noiembrie, analiza dosarelor, 1300 – 1600

17 noiembrie, completarea chestionarelor , 1300 – 1400

17 noiembrie, interpretarea chestionarelor, 1400 – 1500

20 noiembrie, test limba engleză (on line), 1400 – 1500

20 noiembrie, interviu, 1500 – 1900

23 noiembrie, anunțarea beneficiarilor prin afișare la avizierul Erasmus+, ora 800

23 noiembrie, depunerea contestațiilor, 1000 – 1200

24 noiembrie, soluţionarea contestaţiilor, 1300 – 1600

25 noiembrie, afișarea rezultatelor finale, 1700

Effective use of ICT in Education(26.03-1.04.2016, Istanbul, Turcia)


Effective use of ICT in Education

26.03-1.04.2016, Istanbul, Turcia



Before starting the course, documentation related to the course will be sent to participants by e-mail. It will include local information and accommodation. Web page will be launched before the course so that all participants will get the whole details. Other information will be available on the web page of the course.

The participants will be asked to prepare presentations about their countries and educational systems before the course. They will be asked to install some free softwares to their computers not to lose time during the course. Every participant should bring their laptops with them since we will make use of computers during the lessons.


The goals of the course are as follows:
* Provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons.
* Familiarize teachers with current ICT trends and how they can be applied in the creation of an e-lesson.
* Familiarize teachers with the uses and functions of the Moodle platform.
* Allow teachers to create their own controlled test courses on the Moodle platform.
* Provide teachers with resources with which they can augment their e-learning content.
* Allow teachers to share ideas and cultural differences with other nationalities from the EU
* Provide teachers with an insight into Turkish culture in the historical city of Istanbul.


The course will be focused on practical activities.
We will present moodle to be used by teachers working in the schools. Possibilities of using these tool in the lessons, advantages and difficulties will also be discussed.
This course will be structured into 4 different training modules, each of which covers a different aspect of using e-learning in either a traditional classroom or an online setting. Coursework will contain a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge, often allowing the teachers to interact with the e-learning systems in a hands-on way. They will practice the necessary skills in order to be able to effectively use their own e-learning systems with
their own students.
Module 1 – What is “Distance Education”
Module 2 – Introduction to Moodle
Module 3 – Creating a course with Moodle
Module 4 – Participants presentations related to distance learning education.

The methodological approach:
Students will be given the theoretical information that they need to effectively create their own ICT solutions. Using this theoretical knowledge, they will then complete several practical tasks designed to teach them how to properly and effectively use an e-learning platform. Each module will attempt to incorporate the existing knowledge and experience of the trainees in an effort to create a helpful learning environment while at the same time demonstrating the importance of collaboration and shared creation in the e-learning process. In addition, each trainee will produce a sample e-lesson according to their backgrounds and needs. The instructor will present information, guide the students through the practical components, and offer feedback and suggestions.


A follow-up will be enacted once the course ends:
Participants taking part in the course will be in touch with lecturers by e-mail, doubts concerning the application of the course contents will be answered by e-mail during a pre-determined period of time. The web page will be maintained to exchange information and experiences.
Trainees will be given soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they can review at their leisure in addition to presenting them to their colleagues at their own organizations to generate interest in ICT.
In addition, a mailing list of participants will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences.

Official presentation (who is who)
What is “Distance Education” ?
What is “Moodle” ?
Country presentations
Hagia Sophia Museum Visit (for Istanbul session)
Blue Mosque Visit (for Istanbul session)
Basilica Cistern Visit (for Istanbul session)
Introduction to Moodle
Installing and setting up Moodle
Country presentations
Visiting Topkapi Palace (for Istanbul session)
Visiting Cagliari Castle and Archeological Museum (for Sardinia session)
Creating users and assigning roles; Setting up your courses; Uploading course information;
Enrolling students; Giving instruction to students; Embedding widgets in your course and using
media; Creating course events in moodle
Country presentations
Spice Market Visit (for Istanbul session)
Suleymaniye Mosque Visit (for Istanbul session)
Grand Bazaar Visit (for Istanbul session)
Visiting Costa Rei and Villasimius Beaches. (for Sardinia session)
Adding url, page, label, folder, file, book, assignment, chat in Moodle
Country presentations
Bosphorus Cruise (for Istanbul session)
Visiting Cagliari Poetto Beach and excursion to Sella del Diavolo (for Sardinia session)
Adding choice, database, external tool, forum, glossary, lesson, quiz, scorm package, survey,
wiki, workshop in Moodle
Country presentations
Prince (Adalar) Islands Tour (for Istanbul session)
Visiting Nora Ancient Roman Termae (for Sardinia session)
Grades, badges, backup, restore, import, publish and reset in moodle
Country presentations
Free and shopping time (for Istanbul session)
Free and shopping time (for Sardinia session)
Group Work : Participants prepare a sample course using Moodle
Evaluation of the course
Presenting participants’ certificates
Departures after 13:00

Innovative Skills in ICT through collaborative and project-based teaching and learning (9-15.04.2016, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spania)


Innovative Skills in ICT through

collaborative and project-based teaching and learning

9-15.04.2016, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spania


The course is designed to help teachers realize the potential of innovative methodology using technologies in everyday classroom practice by investigating the added value of a collaborative, project-based approach. This course is intended for anyone with a desire to increase their proficiency in using a practical methodology which brings technology into the classroom. The course content is not limited to teachers of a specific subject. On the contrary it is open to teachers of all subjects and levels. The aim of the course is to enable participants to use activities using ICT though a methodology based on collaborative work. Web 2.0, Social Networking, Blogging and Webquests will support and enhance language
interdisciplinary inquiry and the use and creation of digital teaching methodology besides the introduction to the appropriate methodology a Strategic Partnership under Erasmus+ must be implemented.
Before the training, selected participants will be invited to present their respective views on the training and select priority issues.
· Provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons.
· Providing general information about ICT within various classes
· Defining ICT usage in education with its benefits, provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons.
· Familiarize teachers with current Internet trends
· Giving a space for exchange of experiences and good practices among people coming from different countries who work in the same field
· Higher motivation to remain on task by working in small groups using Web 2.0;
· Developing actively and constructively students’ involvement in the work at class;
· Encouraging students to take the ownership of their own learning;
· Improving teamwork by stimulating the necessary skills to start up a strategic partnership (KA2) under Erasmus+;
· Exchanging experiences in cooperative and collaborative learning process as long as in creativity and innovation;
· Sharing of best practice in teaching and learning, using ICT, enabling teachers to become confident and competent enough to create a collaborative, interactive classroom experience for their students through the use of the ICT.
Coursework will contain a mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. Participants will be given the theoretical information that they need to effectively create and implement their own learning solutions. Using this theoretical knowledge, they will then complete several practical tasks designed to demonstrate the importance of collaborative work.
Follow up
Cervantes Training will be available for consults via email to clarify doubts, offer advice after the course and will tutor the practical assignment tasks to do after the course.

Place: Alcalá de Henares- Madrid- Spain
Day 1: Arrival (evening)
· Welcome- Registration and Hand-out of Material- Ice breaking- Course overview
Day 2: Getting to know each other-Sociocultural activity
Alcalá de Henares Guided Tour: World Heritage Site and Birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes and his Don Quixote “In the footsteps of Cervantes”- Entrance to The Cervantes Birthplace Museum.
Day 3: What do we understand by collaborative work?
· Participant presentations and sharing of mutual expectations. Team building
· Introduction to Collaborative work and Cooperative Work
· Advantages of arranging students in a team
· Why KA1 and KA2 (Strategic Partnerships) under Erasmus+?
· ICT into the classroom- Ways to implement activities within the classroom
Day 4: Webquest in the classroom
· What is a Webquest
· Benefits of webquests
· Essential parts of a Webquest
· Topics to be used in a webquest
· Why to use webquests in the classroom
Day 5: Web 2.0: Blogs- Webs and Twitter
· Why and how to use Web 2.0 within the classroom
· Use of blogs in the classroom
· Creating websites with Weebly
· Activities for Twitter
· Practical simulations
Optional Activity: “Tapas with don Quixote and Sancho”. (At own expenses)
Day 6: eTwinning- The Community for Schools in Europe
· eTwinning as best practice within an international setting
· eTwinning Desktop Tools Workshop and eTwinning TwinSpace
· KA2: How to start up and implement efficiently Strategic Partnerships under Erasmus+
· Group Workshop: Creating real activities using ICT though cooperative work
Day 7: Project Presentations
· Project presentations
· Open discussion to clarify doubts, answer queries and assist participants
· Final discusion and conclusion
· Course Evaluation
· Certificates
· Farewell (before lunch time)

Stimulating Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom 29.02-5.03.2016 (Sesimbra, Portugalia)


Stimulating Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom

29.02-5.03.2016 Sesimbra, Portugalia


As preparation, we first ask all participants to fill in a pre-course information questionnaire,
so that we know more about their background, interests and suitability for the course. It
will be important to collect information from national curriculum/cyllabus and school
plan/working. We will also ask the participants to bring examples from their own working
place. We give participants recommendations for pre-course reading, and also ask them to
select and bring with them a cultural artefact about the culture of the country they are from or
currently live in, which reveals something about the culture of that country – habits, customs,
values, attitudes, etc…
6. Objectives
The consequences of contemporary pluralist society create culturally challenging
educational environment in EU. It is recognized that there is a need for methodology and
pedagogical strategies that are consistent with both local realities and European space
exploring understanding of the school content through various tools for innovative problem
solving. As main objectives we will work on :
• Improving self – esteem of the students through encouraging their creative thinking and
fostering their imagination;
• Higher motivation to remain on task by working in small groups;
• Developing actively and constructively students’ involvement in the work at class;
• Encouraging students to take the ownership of their own learning;
• Improving teamwork skills;
• Exchanging experiences and intercultural practices in cooperative and collaborative learning
process as long as in creativity and innovation;
• Putting into practice the principal that “teachers become learners at times, and learners
sometimes teach”;
• Developing Lateral Thinking Skills;

• Learning how to celebrate the diversity of opinions and to value all contributions; • Clarifying the connection between cooperative and collaborative learning.
7 . Methodology
The course uses a variety of methodologies, with the emphasis on variety and interactive learning approaches : • Think‐Pair‐Share; • Reciprocal Teaching; • Think‐Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS); • Group Grid; • Group Writing Assignments; • Brainstorming; • Story-Boarding; • Problem Reversal; • Lateral thinking tasks; • Asking questions; • Group discussion; • Group survey; • Critical debates; • Three-Step Interview.
• Developing computer literacy by the use of e. learning platform, interactive boards and the digital books (“The cloud”) Cooperative Learning, which will be the primary focus of this workshop, is a specific kind of Collaborative Learning. Students will work together in groups on a structured activity. They will be individually accountable for their work, and the work of the group as a whole will be also assessed. Cooperative groups will work face-to-face and learn to work as a team. In small groups students will have a chance to share strengths and also to develop their weaker skills. They will develop their interpersonal skills and will learn to deal with conflict.
8. Follow-up
By the end of the course, participants will :
. Be asked to present an action plan on the way they will apply the key learning points at their professional workplace. A platform group will be formed for discussions and sharing of opinions and good practices after the training course. • Use ICT in education (Including the “cloud”, interactive boards and digital books) • Develop independent study skills

Action Methods Improving Motivation and Quality in Learning Environments (10-16.07.2016, Lisabona, Portugalia)


Action Methods Improving Motivation and Quality in Learning Environments  10-16.07.2016, Lisabona, Portugalia



 a)The organising team

The team’s task is to do the preparations for the course, find the course venue, negotiate the prices and decide the budget, agree on the tasks and the roles of the trainers and take care of the registrations and information given to the participants.

  1. b) The participants: the participants will read Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence and some other articles sent them before the course. they will prepare a) a poster presentation of their school and the activities in the school and 2) voluntarily a presentation on one of the course topics, for instance how the motivation and quality are promoted in their schools
  2. c) The trainers

The trainers will prepare their sesions and send the material to the organisers one month before the training course


Teachers can do a lot to improve the motivation level in the learning situations, for instance:

  • setting a positive climate for learning
  • clarifying the purpose of the learning
  • organising and making available the learning resources
  • balancing the intellectual and emotional components of learning, sharing feelings and thoughts with learners, but not dominating

During the course the participants will learn exercises and methods for active learning and also to create a positive climate to the classroom and also good group cohesion and safe atmosphere.

As an outcome, the participants have a plan how to improve the motivation and quality in learning Environments and also how to improve the school and classroom climate and the general wellbeing at school.

Methodology The methods that will be used are action methods, group discussions and reflections, drama, creative arts,lots of peer support and also excursions

Follow-up      The follow-up practices will be planned during the course, they include:

  • planning the use of the learned methods and pedagogy in different levels (relationship, classroom, school and its surrounding)
  • providing e-mail consultancy and assistance after the course
  • providing self evaluation materials



Getting to know each others (I-II): Methods and exercises to ice-breaking, get to know each other and warming up to learning process

Group forming: Methods and exercises for group forming, team spirit building and releasing the tension in the group

Reflection and implementation in the classroom


Safety in the group: Exercises and methods to build the inner safety and also the feeling of safety in the group Health education: Example lesson how to implement the action methods in teaching the subject

Active Learning Environments: lesson and background theory on the exercises and methods used in the course Reflection and implementation in the classroom

Participants presentations


Motivation, emotion and cognition: Lecture and exercises on modern theory of motivation and how its connected into emotional intelligence and cognition.

Adventure exercises: Methods and exercises that can be used in the nature Wednesday

Presentation on Portuguese Education system Actuive Health Education

Reflections and implementation in the classroom


Art and Drama workshops: Exercises and methods that all the teachers can use in every subjects and implementation in the classroom


School visits and the visit to Setubal


Ending exercises


Creativity in teaching and learning by using ICT (23-29.04.2016, Assen, Olanda)


Creativity in teaching and learning by using ICT

23-29.04.2016, Assen, Olanda


Learning outcomes

The participants in the training course will have the opportunity:

– to experiment good practice examples of innovative methods of teaching and learning

-to experiment the use of new technologies in the teaching and training process;

– to get aware of the European dimension in education.

Additionally, the participants will have the opportunity to improve their English language skills and competencies through acquiring specific terminology related with the course topic.


Practical Arrangements

The host organization will:

-provide the participants with the practical and logistic information regarding the transfer by train from the airport to the course venue;

-book accommodation for the participants in the Best Western Hotel De Jonge (NL), where also the meeting rooms are located; in this respect, because some of the participants may need VISA, a booking confirmation mentioning the names of the participants will be provided to the applicant organization, as well as invitation letter (at requested).

-appoint a mentor who will be in permanent contact with the representatives of the sending organization and with the participants for a better development of the training course;

-give a permanent support to the participants, in any issue related with the course topic, and – when necessary – also in some of their personal problems;

Project Management

A formal agreement – a letter of intent signed by each project partner – will be signed between the applicant and the host organization before submitting the application form, at the joint decision of the both parts. It has to include practical arrangements, but also technical and financial arrangements.

After the project approval, a formal agreement will be signed by the applicant both with its National Agency and the training provider Quarter Mediation.

Learning agreements will be signed with the participants, following the rules to be provided by the NA of the applicant organization.

Main Activities

The applicant organization will organize the preparation activities (details per type of activity: linguistic, intercultural and – if necessary – pedagogical preparation of the participants)

The applicant will organize the logistics together with the host organization as the following:

– Applicant: cooperating with the host organization for writing the application form and for establishing the technical and financial details; signing a letter of intent with the tasks the organization will have in the project; organizing the preparation of the participants; providing the relevant information to the host organization related to booking accommodation for the participants; cooperating with the host organization for issuing the Europass Mobility Document; signing formal agreements with the NA, the host organization and the participants; making and submitting the report to its NA.

– Course organizer: cooperating with the applicant for writing the application form and for establishing the technical and financial details; signing a letter of intent with the tasks the organization will have in the project; booking accommodation for the participants; providing practical and logistic information, as well as permanent support and mentoring to the participants in the course time; organizing the course; issuing the Europass Mobility Document together with the applicant organization; signing formal agreement with the applicant organization; supporting the applicant organization while making the report to its NA.

The course “Creativity in teaching and learning by using ICT” will be organized in Assen, the Netherlands, in 7 days (42 hours), as written bellow:

1st day: Welcome and introduction; presentation of the course agenda; organizational matters; Introduction of the course leader and presentation of the participants.

2nd day: Presentation of the course organizer from the Netherlands and its projects; presentation of the system of education in the Netherlands and in the participants’ countries. Communication strategies. Communication platforms

3rd day: Stimulating group creativity techniques. Workshop: “How to make presentation using the new software

4th day: How to use a half-baked software, in the teaching and training activities. Presentation and practical workshops

5th day: How to create interactive activities by using ICT tools. Smart use of Smart phones in education

6th day: “Interdisciplinary teaching”. Workshops about images and how they affect the way we feel. How to use movie maker in education.

7th day: Evaluation, validation, certification. Feedback session and attendance certificates.